Sunday, April 28, 2013


Learning online can be challenging as you do not have a specific class time that you must attend. You have to be self motivated in order to take a course online. Taking classes in person can be easier in the sense that you have the teacher available to you during class, whereas in an online course you may have to wait to hear back from your instructor about issues.You must be able to perform well in terms of dealing with technology. For instance, if you are not familiar with using a blogging website, this course may be somewhat challenging, as many of our assignments require the use of blogger. The benefit is that I am pretty comfortable with using technology, so I did not really struggle with many technological aspects of this course.Using the online library and databases were beneficial to me as I had no prior experience with them before this course. I am still not one hundred percent comfortable using them, but this course gave me the opportunity to at least become acquainted with databases.I enjoyed using YouTube the most as I like to make videos. It allowed me to use technology that I was already familiar with. I think that I will probably use the online library and databases for courses in the future. There is such a vast wealth of information available using this resource that I am sure I will be visiting the online library numerous times.

File:C-4 Systems.JPGBy Aerospace Solution (Own work) [<a href="">CC-BY-3.0</a>], <a href="">via Wikimedia Commons</a>

Link to YouTube video on how to make videos:

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