Saturday, May 4, 2013


One of the most important skills I acquired in the course was the process of revision. I have to admit that prior to the class I would almost never bother to go back and revise my writings. This process helped me obtain a good grade in the class and will also help me improve my writing in the future. Revision helped me in finding mistakes in my papers and also allowed me to evaluate their accuracy. If in the near future I am faced with writing a big paper such as our final I will be sure to revise it a proofread it before submitting a final draft.
I would have to say that one of the most influential readings was to me the comparison between summary and analysis. This showed me that at times it might be appropriate to summarize, while in other cases the best choice may be to analyze the topic. For example if I am writing an essay on the movie “The Hangover” the best choice would be to write a brief paragraph (or summarize) about the movie so that my reader understands the basic theme or meaning of it. Summarizing on the other hand would be used if I wanted to be more specific about the movie and talk about some of the deeper meanings within the context.
I met the class expectations in the form of being respectful and making respectful comments on other classmate’s blogs. Becoming familiar with the technology and keeping up with the weekly assignments was also another way that I followed the expectations. Most to all my work was submitted in a timely matter and was compatible with the software’s used in the course. I also was open minded when it came to controversial writings, and kept my questions and comments respectful and analytical.
My writing process was mostly influenced by the revision process, and also by learning about summarizing. Prior to the class I tended to submit all my work without revising or proofreading it. One of the readings in the course made it clear to me that revising is one of the most crucial steps in the writing process. It allows checking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. It also helps in identifying the strength (or accuracy) of one’s topic. I feel that revising was one of the reasons as to why I did well in this course.
Right away one of the most challenging aspects of the course for me personally was the making of a video via YouTube. Prior to the class I had never even attempted to make any sort of visual presentation. I had to look up videos and ask a couple of friends for help before I got the hang of it. I found that once you get to work with the technology and interact with it, making such videos is actually relatively simple.

1 comment:

  1. Adan,
    I enjoyed sharing this class with you. You have a very good writing style, from what I've seen on your posts. I agree that revision has been a very important part of the writing procedure. Making a video for YouTube was very hard for me too. Publishing was easy, the hard part was to get through it without stumbling over my words a million times. After about a hundred attempts I just did my best and called it done.
    I hope to have other classes with you, if not have a great life.
